RYPP (Respect Young People’s Programme)
Welcome to the online version of the Respect Young People’s Programme (RYPP).
To make this resource easier to follow, the sessions are now ordered chronologically in a week-by-week format. This means that the layout will look a little different to the paper version of the manual you received originally. Additional practitioner guidance has been added to more sessions and pictures have been added to some of the young person sessions to make them more engaging. The content will however, remain largely the same. When you click into each session you will find a PDF for each exercise and a PDF for any handouts attached. This means you can print what you need to carry out the work directly from each session.

Attached to this introduction module are downloadable PDFs for two exercises. Both exercises were originally found at the end of YP2 in the paper manual. The intention was that these techniques would be used throughout the programme as a way of improving emotional literacy and promoting positive behaviour from session 2 onward. Both exercises should be completed weekly in the individual young person sessions or the young person group sessions (if you are doing group work).
There are several possible exercises to use with the young person to encourage them to express and think about their feelings more often. The session refers to using blob feelings cards but if you don’t have these you could use emojis or print out some facial expression pictures. You can use these exercises as part of your weekly check in with the young person. This also allows them the opportunity to get any worries or concerns off their chest before starting the rest of the work. It also helps to improve the young person’s emotional literacy. This will really help them prepare for later sessions which require the ability to recognise emotions.
The idea of this weekly exercise is to let the young person pick one of the cards and take it away with them to complete. At the start of each session the young person is asked if they managed to complete the task on the card they chose. Discuss with them how the experience felt. The aim is to get the young person to practise behaving in ways that are kind to others and to experience how self-rewarding this can be.