For Practitioners
Respect Young People’s Service
Supporting professionals working with young people and their families where a young person is engaging in abusive behaviour towards parents or carers and/or towards an intimate partner.
RYPP Training
Our innovative intervention for families where young people are abusive or violent towards the people close to them

Dating Detox Training
Dating Detox
A toolkit that addresses risk and safety and promotes healthy, positive relationships for young people

CAPVA Training
Early Response to CAPVA
Providing interventions and support for families at the earliest identified opportunity

WSA CAPVA Training
Whole School Approach
A whole-school approach to CAPVA means that all members of a school community can be involved in prevention and early intervention

Services that support parents and carers which are experiencing violence and abuse the children they care for
Our commitment to promoting equity, equality, diversity and inclusion
A community forum for sharing practice ideas and questions
News & Blog
Policy and practice related to CAPVA and abusive behaviour in young people’s intimate relationships
Access the resources you need, when you need them
Our practitioners area is available to those who have completed training with the Respect Young People’s Service.
Dating Detox
Early Response to CAPVA
Whole School Approach to CAPVA
CAPVA Directory